Q From Pu-239

Tulisan berikut terutama saya tujukan bagi kalian para pria. Silahkan nikmati kutipan berikut baris per baris secara perlahan-lahan πŸ™‚

Light is a particle and a wave. This is hard to understand how a thing can be two things at once; but a woman is also both a particle and a wave. She’s a wave when you see her reach down to pull a shell from the sea, and you feel her beauty pass through you like electrical current. She’s a particle when her hair brushes your face, and her hands push into yours.

And a child is also a particle and a wave. He is a wave when the sound of his pain shoots through and twists you away from yourself. And he is a particle when a doctor hands you a baby; a small mirror.

Women, children and light can be two things at once; a particle, a wave. They richochet off the hard surfaces and illuminate the corners. Without them it would be far darker.

(Timofey-Pu 239)

Kutipan di atas berasal dari film Pu-239 yang diucapkan oleh tokoh Timofey, seorang ayah yang berusaha menjamin kehidupan anak istrinya. Analogi yang menggugah hati ya? Nah, sekarang saya ingin bertanya. Tanpa maksud meninggikan rasa bangga sebagai wanita, apakah anda merasa apa kutipan di atas benar adanya?

Mungkin yang sudah berkeluarga bisa menjawab dengan pasti; ya atau tidak. Mungkin juga mereka kurang yakin. Mungkin yang belum berkeluarga merasa bisa menjawab karena prinsip “bagaimana lelaki seharusnya bertindak” atau bayangan mereka tentang keluarga yang ingin mereka miliki. Mungkin juga tidak ada yang peduli dengan hal-hal semacam ini dan merasa cukup jalani saja. Entahlah…

Tapi… saya serius bertanya, dan jawaban anda akan sungguh saya hargai. Terimakasih πŸ™‚

9 thoughts on “Q From Pu-239

  1. current scientific theory holds that all particles also have a wave nature (and vice versa), and since a human (not only woman and children, but also a man) as an object is a particle so it is also a particle and a wave πŸ˜€ *bukan jawaban yg diharapkan kayanya ya :p*

  2. mau komen tapi bhs inggrisnya terlalu susah.. jd ya ngerusuh aja deh.. hehe. yg jelas i love smart and sexy woman *komen yg ga ada hubungannya sama postingannya* πŸ˜€

  3. “Heterosexual relationships seem to lead only to marriage, and for most poor dumb brainwashed women marriage is the climactic experience. For men, marriage is a matter of efficient logistics: the male gets his food, bed, laundry, TV, pussy, offspring and creature comforts all under one roof, where he doesn’t have to dissipate his psychic energy thinking about them too much — then he is free to go out and fight the battles of life, which is what existence is all about. But for a woman, marriage is surrender. Marriage is when a girl gives up the fight, walks off the battlefield and from then on leaves the truly interesting and significant action to her husband, who has bargained to ‘take care’ of her. What a sad bum deal.”

    Tom Robbins, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues

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